KS1 SATs are now optional and it is up to schools if they decide to administer them. Schools in The Beam Trust will administer optional SATS and they will take place in May 2024 . There will be no discernible change to the children's usual learning environment. Papers are marked internally and data is used to plan next steps learning for children. Outcomes will be shared with parents within our end of school year reports.

Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATS) 

There are papers in three subject areas:

The overview for the week is detailed below, these dates will be the same for all schools.

  • Monday 13th May 2024: English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 (questions) & 2 (spelling)
  • Tuesday 14th May 2024: English reading paper
  • Wednesday 15th May 2024: Mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) & 2 (reasoning)
  • Thursday 16th May 2024: Mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)

At Key Stage 2, the SATs papers are marked externally. The mark your child gets in each test is called the raw score (out of 50 for reading, out of 110 for mathematics, and out of 70 for English grammar, punctuation and spelling). This raw score for each test will be translated into a scaled score, which will show how well your child has done against the expected standard.

Children need to achieve a scaled score of 100 to meet the expected standard. Above 100 means they are exceeding the expected standard; below 100 means they are still working towards it. You will receive your child’s raw score and scaled score for each test, as well as confirmation of whether or not they have achieved the expected standard.